Free website and domain report on 13lux.com
Last Updated: 28th June, 2020
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Snoop Summary for 13lux.com
This is a free, basic report about 13lux.com. We are still collecting data on 13lux.com. This report was last updated 28th June, 2020.
About 13lux.com
Site Preview: | |
Title: | 电影港,177动漫,人满为患导航,东京热无码 |
Description: | |
Keywords and Tags: | marketing, merchandising |
Related Terms: | |
Fav Icon: | |
Age: | |
Domain Created: | |
Domain Updated: | |
Domain Expires: | |
Snoop Score
Rank, Reach and Authority
Alexa Rank: | |
Alexa Reach: | |
SEMrush Rank (US): | |
SEMrush Authority Score: | |
Moz Domain Authority: | |
Moz Page Authority: | |
Organic vs Paid (Google Ads)
Daily Visitors: | |
Monthly Visitors: | |
Yearly Visitors: | |
Note: All visitors figures are estimates.
Daily Revenue: | |
Monthly Revenue: | |
Yearly Revenue: | |
Note: All revenue figures are estimates.
Backlinks Analysis (SEMrush)
Top Ranking Keywords (US)
Domain Analysis
| Value | Length |
Domain: | 13lux.com | 9 |
Domain Name: | 13lux | 5 |
Extension (TLD): | com | 3 |
Page Speed Analysis
Average Load Time: | |
Load Time Comparison: | |
PageSpeed Insights
Server Location
Server IP Address: | |
Continent: | |
Country: | |
Region: | |
City: | |
Longitude: | |
Latitude: | |
Currencies: | |
Languages: | |
Web Hosting Provider
Name | IP Address |
Internap Corporation | |
Domain Registrant
Private Registration: | No |
Name: | |
Organization: | |
Country: | |
City: | |
State: | |
Post Code: | |
Email: | |
Phone: | |
Note: Registration information is derived from various sources and may be inaccurate.
Visitor Safety
Note: Safety information is not guaranteed.
SSL/TLS Certificate
DNS Lookup
A Records
Host | IP Address | Class | TTL |
13lux.com. | | IN | 599 |
NS Records
Host | Nameserver | Class | TTL |
13lux.com. | ns8.alidns.com. | IN | 21599 |
13lux.com. | ns7.alidns.com. | IN | 21599 |
HTTP Response Headers
HTTP-Code: | HTTP/1.1 200 OK |
Server: | nginx |
Content-Type: | text/html |
Whois Lookup
Created: | |
Changed: | |
Expires: | |
Status: | |
Nameservers: | ns7.alidns.com ns8.alidns.com |
Full Whois: | You have been banned for abuse. |
Name | IP Address |
ns7.alidns.com | |
ns8.alidns.com | |
Organic Search (US) Competitors
Sites with the same domain name
Sites hosted on the same IP address